Kunzea & Sandalwood Surface Detox

Unleash the power of nature with Surface Detox, your go-to surface cleaning spray. This isn't just a cleaner; it's a breath of fresh air for your home. Island Lab offers you 99.99% germ-kill with the delightful fragrance of Kunzea and sandalwood.

Kunzea is known to have anti-microbial properties and is thought by aromatherapists to have a soothing and calming effect, while Sandalwood is thought to relieve stress and anxiety. it's like bringing a tranquil forest into your home.

Kunzea's antimicrobial properties will ensure your surfaces are pristine, while Sandalwood's stress-relieving scent will calm your mind.
With active ingredients drawn from nature for a lighter touch on the environment, to the potency of the finest essential oils, our products have an aroma that is positively uplifting, with no compromise on effectiveness.