Native Blossom Picnic Rug

You’ll find her in a crowd of flowers. Silver great eucalypts dance and sway. A crown of wild daisies adorns her hair. Red and powdery earth... She's barefoot among the blooms. Intoxicating, sweet nectared air. A kaleidoscope of butterflies flicker around. A most peculiar dream, strange and beautiful. Beguiling and strong; she's a wildflower.
Introducing Native Blossom, a recolour of Wandering Folk's best selling Picnic Rug the Native Wildflower. Inspired by Sharnee’s deep adoration for Australian foliage, hand drawn in their Byron Bay studio.

Printed on renewable and durable 100% recycled PET canvas. The base features their trusty brown water resistant poly/cotton canvas with a waterproof treatment. Framed by large cotton tassels in each corner, and comes and ornate brown woven carry strap.
- Dimensions: 164cm x 147cm

- Weight: 1.9kg

- Hand illustrated print on front side

- Fabrication TOP/FRONT: 100% Recycled PET canvas. BACK: Poly/cotton canvas with a waterproof treatment.

- Signature brown base is water resistant

- Hand made tassels on corners

- Embroidered cotton label

- Brown ornate woven carry strap

- Stitch lines on back for easy rolling
Care Instructions:
- Spot clean with cold water

- Do not submerge or soak

- We do not recommend machine washing

- Do not leave in direct sunlight

- Prior to storing, ensure it is completely dry

- This cotton fabrication will naturally fade with use over time